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January 18, 2023

Pop Art - teaching grade 6, 7, and 8 art

 If you haven't figured out yet, I'm teaching grade 6, 7, and 8 art. I try to keep the big idea the same but the assignments slightly different. We just recently took a look at pop art. As a class we took a look at the history of pop art and several individuals who have contributed  to its history. After watching a few videos and looking at a few samples, Grade 6 's began - Pop art and onomatopoeia; Grade 7 - Pop art and candy; Grade 8 - Pop art and still image variations

I changed it up and had kids use pastels instead of pencil crayons and markers - their work turned out fabulous! 

January 16, 2023

Black History Month

 Black History Month is creeping up quickly - it's almost February guys! 53 days until March Break...but whose counting. Here are two different activities I do with my students. 

1) Writing prompts - These were my February writing prompts - 20 individuals representing Black History. Each writing prompt includes a brief rubric to assess each students ability to gather, organize, and convey information about a particular topic. Each writing prompt is also followed by a modified prompt (with rubric) where students on an IEP can illustrate their responses in efforts to level the playing field. Individuals include Oprah, Beyonce and Drake.

2) Black History Month Individual Research - I love this activity because I have students pick from 37 different African Americans and have them complete their profile worksheet! I do print out the sheets so that the students can fill them in, color them and I can feature them on my bulleting board. I'll be doing it again this year so I'll post what it looks like! These worksheets are great for students grades 4 to 8; you can adapt your expectations on the content they deliver based on their grades. I normally have my grade 8's complete each box with detail and thoroughness; whereas, the grade 4's normally put down two researched points for each box. 

January 13, 2023

Canadian Healthcare System and Education


I had to sneak in a writing piece before report cards and so I thought I would throw an investigation piece at my students. In this activity, students had to research either the Canadian healthcare system or education, create a thesis, generate supporting details, research evidence to support their details and transform it all into a paragraph. I gave my students a checklist, a graphic organizer, and a works cited page where they could keep track of their sources for their MLA bibliography. 

Rising Chef and Clay Art - Language and Art Project


Students had a lot of fun with this project, and one thing turned to another. It all started with me wanting to do some fun art stuff with clay. I figured that they would love making food out of clay and so they did. They shortly painted it after and photographed it like a professional. I had students create a magazine article featuring themselves as a rising chef and they had the opportunity to include the photograph. 

This resource includes a handout outline a magazine article layout, prompting questions, graphic organizer, and a rubric.

Financial Literacy - Chequing and Savings

 In this activity, students explore the features of a  chequing

 and savings accounts. Once they list down their attributes, they dig deeper into their community banks and explore the perks they have to offer when opening up a chequing and savings account.  What account is just right for them? Which bank offers the best incentives? Students also are reminded to read the fine print! Sample answers are provided!


Financial Literacy - Grocery Shopping

 As we work through our Financial Literacy Unit, students explore budgeting and grocery shopping. The price of groceries has shot up exponentially and many Canadians are having a hard time keeping up. In this activity, students work with their parents to create their own grocery list, and jot down how much they normally pay for each item. Using FLIPP, students search each food item and try to find the lowest selling price. At the end, students calculate the cost of their groceries with the original costs; and then their sale prices to compare how much they ultimately save. What can they do with the money they save? 

Financial Literacy - Currency Exchange

In Math, we've begun our Financial Literacy Unit. We first started by exploring currency exchanges. Students worked between converting CAD to USD and USD to CAD. In the assignment below, they went online shopping  in a different country, designed a wardrobe and then calculated the cost of it in Canadian Dollars. Students further explored the cost of living through a cost of living website and reasoned if their outfit was a justifiable expense. Take a look!